Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Joey Graceffa, Dances and the Highline

Hello! I may have missed a week of blogging (or two)... But I'm back! This weekend was Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, so I had an extra day off of school. On friday night, Monica invited Jenn and I to go to her homeschool dance. At first I feared it might be on the awkward side and that I wouldn't know anyone! However, I ended up dancing until my feet fell off and running to the photo guy a bunch of times! 
Jenn, Monica, Me 
Mary, Monica, Sarah, Jenn, Me, Natalie and our new little friend Ellen! 
We couldn't resist taking a picture of the outsiders (none of us were familar with the homeschool community). 

On Saturday, I woke up bright and early and headed to Brooklyn. Christina and I were on a mission to meet Joey Graceffa! We had bought "Storytellers" tickets on Thanksgiving, and had waiting until that day to meet him. If you're wondering, "Storytellers" is Joey's short series that he created. Heres the link to his channel where you can watch the six fifteen minute clips - http://youtu.be/CjYIGPQN_OY
He was so sweet and unfortuantly we couldn't take a proper picture with him, but I do have a candid that Christina took! 

Not the best quality, I know. 

Finally, Sunday was Amanda's birthday party!  We went to the highline in the city and then to a S'mac. It was absolutely freezing outside, but we did manage to make the best of it. S'mac was a specialty mac and cheese please and I must say it was delicious! I got the simple mac and cheese with bread crumbs, since I tend to not be adventurous with food.  I really want to go back to the highline when it's not so cold and morbid out. 
I hope you all had a nice long weekend if you are from America, and if not, I still hope you made the best of it! Thanks for reading and see you soon! 

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