Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Very Merry School Christmas

Hello! Yesterday, we celebrated Christmas at school. I know not all of you celebrate Christmas, so please bare with me for this post! It's a school tradition that we have a day right before Christmas break where we run around school giving presents and eating baked goods. We also attend the senior Christmas play which turned into a sing-a-long. Amanda, Steph and I went out to eat at a cute little cafe and then to the city to ice skate. 
What I wore: 
Zoella "Just Say Yes" shirt
Maroon cardigan- Forever 21
World Map Scarf- Urban Outfitters
Black Jeans
Meg, me, Amanda and Erin
Casey is sooo tall! 
The best homeroom teacher I could have gotten. She is the sweetest! 
Then we went to Manhattan! Bryant Park was packed with people and shoppers and we were afraid we wouldn't be able to get into the rink but the line moved quickly and everything went well! The ice turned to snow quicky and we only spent a short time there because it gets dark so early. We couldn't resist getting some waffles from the Waffles and Dinges stand at the park. It was a very eventful day! 
Thanks so much for reading and Happy Holidays! See you soon! 

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