Hello to those who actually read this! I've feel like you don't really know much about me and that you only know about my adventures. I thought that a interesting/ crazy fact about me is that I love to trapeze. It's a hobby and I am definitely no where near an expert. I started last October, and I have been going frequently since! My first knee-hang may have been sloppy and torturous for me to watch now, but its where I began to love it.
I've never been afraid of heights, yet I still was a little nervous climbing up a tall ladder to a hanging platform. I jumped (more like pushed by the trainer behind me) and tried to hook my knees onto the bar. And well, here's how my first time turned out.
I've been to the trapeze rig a few times since then and have improved (I hope). I love the feeling of flying through the air and then throwing yourself to someone else. Although I've seem some people fail to be caught, they do end up safe in the net. I'll admit I was a bit afraid of trusting strange circus performs with my life, but they are good at what they do!
I've tried to attach videos, but it wasn't quite working right. Here are snapshots of the first time I went, and the most recent time.
Most Recent:
The tricks get more advanced as it goes on and most places teach you on the ground before letting you up in the air. Little kids may have difficulty reaching the bar, but will probably be lifted up by a trainer. I really love doing this and I hope I inspired some of you to go find your nearest rig. It's an adrenaline rush every time you're flying. Go check out trapeze, there are so many companies across the world. Even if you're older, go try it. It's an experience, even if heights isn't your thing. I already have another appointment scheduled, and am ready to learn a new stunt!
If you read this far, thank you! Feel free to comment and ask me questions! Thank you so much for your time! Bye friends!
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