The show itself was amazing! We sung along to every song, and made eye contact with the members. The band was pretty friendly, but they weren't much for stick their hands out over the barrior. At one point, security made two holes in the crowd and brought the members out into the audience for a few songs! They brought out the drum pictured above, and a guitar. Jeremiah was literally right in front of me! They asked us to put our phones away for the songs in the audience, which was kind of a bummer, but understandable. We really got to interact with them and sing along. The boy next to me was slipped a guitar pick when he shook hands with Wesley. It was actually really funny (but nice at the same time) that instead of hitting eveyone's hands like most bands, they shook hands with fans. Here's a close-ish picture of Jeremiah in the crowd.
It was an overall amazing performance, and it was worth standing outside a shed in New York City for 3 hours. I won't spoil the rest of the concert and I recommend The Lumineers to anyone who likes Mumfords and Sons or folk rock. Their live performance is just as good as their sound track. If you haven't already, go look up The Lumineers on itunes! You have probably heard "Ho Hey" a couple, or a couple hundred times. Here's some of my favorite photos of the night!