Hello everyone! I know I've been in a posting slump, but heres a nice little one for you. On Wednesday, Hannah Hart posted a photo on her page about signing her newly released book- My Drunk Kitchen. I immediately texted Christina, who also enjoys Hannah's content on Youtube. We made the last minute decision to hop on the train and go to the city. We ended up at a cute little bookstore that you should all check out here. Its a non profit book store that gets books from donors and uses the money to help the fight against aids. The bookstore cafe was beyond cute and had a nice low key feel. There was plenty of people when we arrived, but it wasn't full or overly packed. We sat on the stairs as we waited for Hannah to arrive. She walked in the door and swooshed past us into the back room. She did stop to say hello to those on the way, so she was in no way rude. In fact, she was so genuine and sweet.
Around seven the question and answer part and the book explanation took place. Then around 8, the book signing began. I notices Ms. Hart standing up to hug people and take pictures. She wasn't at all a chair hugger. What was amazing was that everyone was told they would get to meet the author of such a unique cookbook. The cookbook is full of clever witty recipes and commentary that is so puny that you can't help to grin. When it was finally our turn to meet her, we passed our phones to her assistants who took plenty of pictures of us, which was really nice. Hannah introduced herself to me with a firm handshake. She was super sweet and poliet to everyone and smiled constantly. It wasn't rushed, so you could ask questions and get a hug( or multiple). She is defintely one to look up. Here's some pictures!